Gavin Newsom wants to be president, so he can bring California's cancer to the country
Understand that this ideology fits squarely in with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which I won't get into here.
Looks what’s happening on the streets of San Francisco, and the listen to what this evil lizard person is saying.
Democrats want this. Simple as that.
Kevin Dalton @TheKevinDalton
“Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country ever made…We all need to self medicate periodically” - Gavin Newsom, explaining his plan to self medicate California out of our addiction epidemic.
@TheKevinDalton He & his anti-human collaborators are just following orders from their death cult overlords at WEF…. It explains Covid booze-to-go, safe injection sites, legalization of once-controlled drugs, pharma opioid racket. Wreck human will, take control.