Might I recommend 2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com?

What exactly is it in these alleged “sustainable” high protein “food” sources that makes them so important to the Cult’s agenda?
Insects contain a natural structural component in their exoskeletons called chitin. This fibrous polysaccharide happens to be extremely toxic to humans. Specifically, chitin triggers inflammation and immune responses…
This establishes that chitin or chitosan-rich diets are toxic, and could potentially result in the slow death of organs.
And if that were not enough:
Therefore, it is possible that chitosan exposure may have induced the increased rate of seizures observed in this study.
A study published in Nature entitled, Chitin induces accumulation in tissue of innate immune cells associated with allergy showed that chitin triggers allergic airway inflammation and possibly asthma…
What would happen to a person that developed asthma, inflammation, immunocompromisation, vitamin depletion, etc. from an insect heavy diet if they contracted COVID and/or received a spike protein inducing injection?…
Altering diet in conjunction with never-ending Modified mRNA injections would certainly over time increase depopulation, especially when the insects are genetically modified as are their eaters.
And don’t say I didn’t warn you (like in 3 separate stack posts):
In closing and because I love you guys (but not in the creepy way), I’ll leave you with this pro-tip: ALWAYS READ THE INGREDIENTS!