This is a terrible thing, for a lot of reasons. First, it's a sign that chaos-loving DAs (imposters) are winning...forcing us to change our behavior, instead of disabling the criminals. (LAPD recently advised us not to wear nice jewelry.)
🧵🧵🧵It normalizes cashless transactions, which makes it easier for Them (™) to impose central banking digital currency on us. During Virus Panic, people became cash-phobic. This fear of cash-borne disease will be stoked again, no doubt CBDCs are programmable and trackable.
🧵🧵This development also puts yet another burden on small businesses. By nature, a small business owner embraces self-determination. That human quality is a threat to government systems. Look what they did during Virus Panic, consolidating $$ & power into corporate coffers!
It’s all utter B*****IT! We must boycott every single company who refuses cash or some type of payment via a cell phone scan or qcode. If we don’t, game over. While I mainly focus on the Torah (original testament not old, hence won’t call it old), this looks like Revelations in play. If not, the elite (Gates, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab and the rest of their perverted ilk) are making it happening. I am having such a hard times these days not dropping f-bombs every time I speak. Oh man.