Big Pharma Wants to Put an End to Vitamins and Supplements
Guys, I'm deadly serious. We have to kick and scream about this.
They are at war with us. It’s not a kinetic war. It’s not not mano a mano.
But there have already been casualties and there will be more.
Do NOT be distracted. The war is between THEM and us. And it’s being fought by Big Pharma & your greedy government.
They want you defenseless, sick, dependent, ignorant, masked, drugged, and afraid.
FIGHT #BigPharma Groups who [sic] have supported this legislation, have stated there are protections for technical disagreements with the FDA like those with hemp, CBD, NAC, and several other products.
"However, if this legislation were to pass, it is abundantly clear these products would be eliminated from the market.'”
As my new favorite substacker says at the end of each post, Do Not Comply!
Keep your slaves scared sick and poor and they will never revolt or leave the plantation
Surely the manufacturers of vitamins & supplements will fight this? There are many both big & small companies that make so many items in our regular drugstores as well as our Natural Health Food Stores....not to mention online companies as well....this is frightening indeed!